And then a new rat lover is born

My name is Nai Wang, I'm an above average person living in sunny Phoenix, Arizona. I only say above average because I am a rat lover and anyone who loves rats is above average in my books. Some would say that I'm obsessed with rats but I see it as a mild passion. (heck I made this website, that speaks volumes in itself)

Two and a half years ago, I knew nothing of the rat. I knew they caused diseases and had ugly tails. They were part of the Chinese zodiac but I'm a rabbit so I never paid very much attention to them. I never had a pet before and never knew anyone who had a rat for a pet.

I have to thank my ex girlfriend Sarah for introducing me to the world of rat. Her extreme obsession with rats made me see how awesome of a pet and a companion rats can be. If it wasn't for her, I would have never experienced rat and all its cute and fun splendors.

I was introduced to rats for the first time in my life two years ago when Sarah brought her rat Lolo over to my place during a party. I was skeptical at first but I immediately recognized how intelligent they are and how they would make a wonderful pet. After I started dating her, I saw her rats more and more often to the point where I started keeping Lolo and her other rat Pumpernickel at my place because her mom is allergic to rats. When I started caring for these rats, I fell in love with them.

Six months later a prime opportunity presented itself when my neighbor informed me that her rat had babies. At that point I adopted my first two rats from their horrible fates as snake food. I adopted Chewie, a boy, and Nezumi a girl. The only reason I adopted a boy is because all the girls were fed and I wanted to get a girl because I believe female rates make better pets because of their energy, plus they were the two that had the best personalities and they came up to me to say hi. Chewie was neutered and I proceeded to bond with them and teach them tricks and stuff.

Six months later, Sarah adopted a new rat, Finnigan, from the local rat show where she was going to college in California. Finnigan was a blue agouti dumbo. When she brought him back during spring break, she tried to breed him with my rat Nezumi. Finnie is such a lovable rat. He kept her company while she was away at school.

My rat obsession hit a new level shortly thereafter. I would often to go pet stores to pick up supplies for my rats. There I would usually see rats up for adoption that people didn't want anymore. One time I found this family of rodents stuffed in an aquarium. When I inquired about them, the store clerk said I could adopt them for $5. I said all of them, including the mouse? I couldn't resist their charm so at the end of the day I had 11 more adult and baby rodents including Mr. Mouse.

A month later, a couple days before my birthday and a couple days after my birthday I had myself two litters on my hands. My obsession had hit an all time high. I adopted a many as I could to nice homes (three) and I kept the rest. I looked after and cared for almost 50 rats at one point. Not to mention the four mice I adopted in the mean time and Sarah's mice she brought back with her from school over the summer.

My rodent obsession hit a brick wall when they all became adults. I loved and cared for them all but when Sarah presented me with an ultimatum to get rid of a significant portion of my population, I resisted but ended up giving away over half of my rodents to a pet store owned by a rat lover. I was sad to see them go but it was better for them and me. I just hope they went to loving homes and live a fat and full life


Today I have over a dozen rodents left which I love dearly except for Ralph. Read more about them in their profiles.