Sponsorship and advertising opportunities.
IAMC Exhibit Guide & Program
Advertise within the pages in the IAMC Exhibit Guide
Distributed to every member or IAMC, this is a valuable advertising tool
yada yada yada
International Reception
Sponsor the international reception and get your name out there to the
international community at this mixer yada yada yada
Online Advertising
Advertise your company logo on the IAMC website yada yada yada
Shuttle Bus
Sponsor and advertise on the shuttle bus service servicing the trade show
attendees in metropolitan Phoenix. Yada yada yada
To request additional information, please send your inquiries
to the following:
To become a sponsor: sponsorship@iamc.com
Apply for exhibitor space at: expo@iamc.com
Fax: 480-452-0959
Please apply online here