The birth of Club Wang; WangBeats 2004 picture tour
The birth of a new genre, Club Wang.
A perfect fusion of house party and a classy club atmosphere all at one location.
Club Wang was born out of a labor of love. The genius behind this mad fusion is none other than the Chinese Warlord of WCT, who has been running the theater and entertainment environment in his house since 1999. With a mad passion to create something fun and entertaining for people to enjoy, he took his experiences in event planning for performances and shows and made the transition to his own everyday life and home. An uncanny need to host and a desire to entertain masses of people, hundreds of people have passed through the doors of WCT over the years.
Now Nai has taken the best WCT has to offer and moved to the bigger world of creating a social club atmosphere. With his friends and volunteers behind him, they make it possible to expand what was once a one man operation to an operation involving over a dozen people on staff. This labor of love of one has now expanded to a labor of love of many. We all love taking our passions and sharing it with the world.
Our first test party of this new fusion, WangBeats held on June 26 2004, was a major success. We pulled together many different elements from promotions, management, bartending, decorating to security and worked as a team to complete our first prototype party. Since that success and learning from the test run, we are now itching to do it all over again and better.
We are creating something new, a fusion of House and Club. We can almost call it HouseClub because it is both and at the same time it is neither. One part house, being held at a house but not the same as the typical house party you are probably use to. One part club but not like any club you probably have ever attended because we are not mainstream. This fusion will create a new identity for us, a new genre, a new approach, and best of all, a new fun place for people to enjoy. Taking the best elements of each, we hope that this fusion works and people come back for more!
Club Wang is born out of fun and adventure. Led by a crazy Chinese Warlord,
we can't wait to see what is in store for us next.