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NAMEmagick - Read or List Image formats
SYNOPSISDestroyMagick( void ); void DestroyMagickList( void ); const char * GetImageMagick( const unsigned char *magick, const size_t length ); MagickBooleanType GetMagickAdjoin( const MagickInfo *magick_info ); MagickBooleanType GetMagickBlobSupport( const MagickInfo *magick_info ); DecoderHandler * GetMagickDecoder( const MagickInfo *magick_info ); const char * GetMagickDescription( const MagickInfo *magick_info ); EncoderHandler * GetMagickEncoder( const MagickInfo *magick_info ); const MagickInfo * GetMagickInfo( const char *name, Exception *exception ); const MagickInfo ** GetMagickInfoList( const char *pattern, unsigned long *number_formats ); char ** GetMagickList( const char *pattern, unsigned long *number_formats ); MagickBooleanType GetMagickSeekableStream( const MagickInfo *magick_info ); MagickBooleanType GetMagickThreadSupport( const MagickInfo *magick_info ); InitializeMagick( const char *path ); MagickBooleanType IsMagickConflict( const char *magick ); MagickBooleanType IsMagickInstantiated( void ); MagickBooleanType ListMagickInfo( FILE *file, ExceptionInfo *exception ); char * MagickToMime( const char *magick ); MagickInfo * RegisterMagickInfo( MagickInfo *magick_info ); MagickInfo * SetMagickInfo( const char *name ); MagickBooleanType UnregisterMagickInfo( const char *name );
DestroyMagickDestroyMagick() destroys the ImageMagick environment. The format of the DestroyMagick function is: DestroyMagick ( void );
DestroyMagickListDestroyMagickList() deallocates memory associated MagickInfo list. The format of the DestroyMagickList method is: void DestroyMagickList ( void );
GetImageMagickGetImageMagick() searches for an image format that matches the specified magick string. If one is found the name is returned otherwise NULL. The format of the GetImageMagick method is: const char *GetImageMagick ( const unsigned char *magick, const size_t length ); A description of each parameter follows:
GetMagickAdjoinGetMagickAdjoin() returns MagickTrue if the magick adjoin is MagickTrue. The format of the GetMagickAdjoin method is: MagickBooleanType GetMagickAdjoin ( const MagickInfo *magick_info ); A description of each parameter follows:
GetMagickBlobSupportGetMagickBlobSupport() returns MagickTrue if the magick supports blobs. The format of the GetMagickBlobSupport method is: MagickBooleanType GetMagickBlobSupport ( const MagickInfo *magick_info ); A description of each parameter follows:
GetMagickDecoderGetMagickDecoder() returns the magick decoder. The format of the GetMagickDecoder method is: DecoderHandler *GetMagickDecoder ( const MagickInfo *magick_info ); A description of each parameter follows:
GetMagickDescriptionGetMagickDescription() returns the magick description. The format of the GetMagickDescription method is: const char *GetMagickDescription ( const MagickInfo *magick_info ); A description of each parameter follows:
GetMagickEncoderGetMagickEncoder() returns the magick encoder. The format of the GetMagickEncoder method is: EncoderHandler *GetMagickEncoder ( const MagickInfo *magick_info ); A description of each parameter follows:
GetMagickInfoGetMagickInfo() returns a pointer MagickInfo structure that matches the specified name. If name is NULL, the head of the image format list is returned. The format of the GetMagickInfo method is: const MagickInfo *GetMagickInfo ( const char *name, Exception *exception ); A description of each parameter follows:
GetMagickInfoListGetMagickInfoList() returns any image formats that match the specified pattern. The format of the GetMagickInfoList function is: const MagickInfo **GetMagickInfoList ( const char *pattern, unsigned long *number_formats ); A description of each parameter follows:
GetMagickListGetMagickList() returns any image formats that match the specified pattern. The format of the GetMagickList function is: char **GetMagickList ( const char *pattern, unsigned long *number_formats ); A description of each parameter follows:
GetMagickSeekableStreamGetMagickSeekableStream() returns MagickTrue if the magick supports a seekable stream. The format of the GetMagickSeekableStream method is: MagickBooleanType GetMagickSeekableStream ( const MagickInfo *magick_info ); A description of each parameter follows:
GetMagickThreadSupportGetMagickThreadSupport() returns MagickTrue if the magick supports threads. The format of the GetMagickThreadSupport method is: MagickBooleanType GetMagickThreadSupport ( const MagickInfo *magick_info ); A description of each parameter follows:
InitializeMagickInitializeMagick() initializes the ImageMagick environment. The format of the InitializeMagick function is: InitializeMagick ( const char *path ); A description of each parameter follows:
IsMagickConflictIsMagickConflict() returns true if the image format is not a valid image format or conflicts with a logical drive ( .e.g. X: ) . The format of the IsMagickConflict method is: MagickBooleanType IsMagickConflict ( const char *magick ); A description of each parameter follows:
ListMagickInfoListMagickInfo() lists the image formats to a file. The format of the ListMagickInfo method is: MagickBooleanType ListMagickInfo ( FILE *file, ExceptionInfo *exception ); A description of each parameter follows.
IsMagickInstantiatedIsMagickInstantiated() returns MagickTrue if the ImageMagick environment is currently instantiated: InitializeMagick ( ) has been called but MagickDestroy ( ) has not. The format of the IsMagickInstantiated method is: MagickBooleanType IsMagickInstantiated ( void );
MagickToMimeMagickToMime() returns the officially registered ( or de facto ) MIME media-type corresponding to a magick string. If there is no registered media-type, then the string "image/x-magick" ( all lower case ) is returned. The returned string must be deallocated by the user. The format of the MagickToMime method is: char *MagickToMime ( const char *magick ); A description of each parameter follows.
RegisterMagickInfoRegisterMagickInfo() adds attributes for a particular image format to the list of supported formats. The attributes include the image format name, a method to read and/or write the format, whether the format supports the saving of more than one frame to the same file or blob, whether the format supports native in-memory I/O, and a brief description of the format. The format of the RegisterMagickInfo method is: MagickInfo *RegisterMagickInfo ( MagickInfo *magick_info ); A description of each parameter follows:
SetMagickInfoSetMagickInfo() allocates a MagickInfo structure and initializes the members to default values. The format of the SetMagickInfo method is: MagickInfo *SetMagickInfo ( const char *name ); A description of each parameter follows:
UnregisterMagickInfoUnregisterMagickInfo() removes a name from the magick info list. It returns MagickFalse if the name does not exist in the list otherwise MagickTrue. The format of the UnregisterMagickInfo method is: MagickBooleanType UnregisterMagickInfo ( const char *name ); A description of each parameter follows:
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