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Topics related to ImageMagick:

Frequently Asked Questions

Provides answers to questions which are often asked about ImageMagick.

What's New

Provides a high-level view of enhancements made to ImageMagick over the years.

Change Log

Provides a change-log view of ImageMagick source code and feature changes.

How You Can Help

Describes how you can contribute to the ImageMagick project.

Reporting Bugs

Bugs should be reported by posting to the Magick Bugs mailing list or the ImageMagick discourse server.

Magick Image File Format

Provides a detailed description of the MIFF file format.

ImageMagick's Color Reduction Algorithm

Provides a detailed description of the algorithm used by ImageMagick to reduce the number of colors in an image.

Image Profiles

Build quality color workflows with Adobe ICC profiles.

Here are some sites that use or discuss ImageMagick:

ImageMagick Studio

ImageMagick Studio provides an interactive Web interface to process images.

WebMagick Image Navigator

WebMagick creates photo albums for the Web.


GUI for ImageMagick under Mac OS X.

ImageMagick Hacks

A collection of tips and sample scripts for PerlMagick

ImageMagick Hints and Tips

Useful hints and tips collected by Anthony Thyssen.

The following publications provide an in-depth coverage of ImageMagick:

Graphics Programming with Perl

Written by Martien Verbruggen . Covers use of ImageMagick's PerlMagick, and other Perl graphic interfaces for graphical programming tasks.

Perl Graphics Programming

Written by Shawn Wallace . Covers use of ImageMagick's utilities and PerlMagick, as well as other tools for creating Web graphics.

Professional PHP4 Multimedia Programming

Written by Allan Kent, et. al., Wrox Press Ltd . Covers use of ImageMagick in PHP4 applications.

The following sites have absolutely nothing to do with ImageMagick:

Business Hall of Shame

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"Image manipulation software that works like magick"