=== Plugin Name === Contributors: matchalabs Tags: wordpress slideshow,seo,slideshow,slider,widget,wordpress slider,image slider,flexslider,flex slider,nivoslider,nivo slider,responsive,responsive slides,coinslider,coin slider,slideshow,carousel,responsive slider,vertical slides Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=CQ84KC4X8YKW8 Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 4.0 Stable tag: 3.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Easy to use WordPress slider plugin. Create SEO optimised responsive slideshows with Nivo Slider, Flex Slider, Coin Slider and Responsive Slides. == Description == http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0f3uAvL6Ic The most popular WordPress slider plugin. Creating slideshows with [Meta Slider](http://www.metaslider.com/) is fast and easy. Simply select images from your WordPress Media Library, drag and drop them into place, set slide captions, links and SEO fields all from one page. You can choose from 4 different slideshow types (Flex Slider, Nivo Slider, Responsive Slides & Coin Slider) and use the provided shortcode or template include to easily embed slideshows in your blog. **Includes** * **Flex Slider 2** - Responsive, 2 transition effects, carousel mode * **Nivo Slider** - Responsive, 16 transition effects, 4 themes * **Responsive Slides** - Responsive & incredibly light weight * **Coin Slider** - 4 transition effects **Features** * Simple, easy to use interface - perfect for individual users, developers & clients! * Create Responsive, SEO optimised slideshows in seconds * Unrestricted support for Image slides (supports caption, link, title text, alt text) * Full width slideshow support * Drag and drop slide reordering * Admin preview * Intelligent image cropping * Set image crop position * Built in Widget and Shortcode * Loads of slideshow configuration options - transition effect, speed etc (per slideshow) * Fully localised * WordPress Multi Site compatible * Compatible with translation plugins (WPML, PolyLang & qTranslate) * Extensive Developer API (hooks & filters) * Fast - only the minimum JavaScript/CSS is included on your page * Free basic support (covering installation issues and theme/plugin conflicts) * Lightbox support with the [Meta Slider Lightbox](http://wordpress.org/plugins/ml-slider-lightbox/) addon Upgrade to [Meta Slider Pro](http://www.metaslider.com/upgrade) to add support for: * YouTube & Vimeo slides * HTML slides * Layer slides with CSS3 animations * Dynamic Post Feed/Featured Image Slides (content slider) * Custom Themes * Thumbnail Navigation * Premium Support **Translations** * French (thanks to fb-graphiklab) * Spanish (thanks to eltipografico) * German (thanks to Rewolve44) * Polish (thanks to gordon34) * Chinese (thanks to 断青丝) * Taiwanese (thanks to 断青丝) * Norwegian (thanks to Dreamsoft) * Romanian (thanks to Octav Madalin Stanoaia) * Japanese (thanks to Dorrie) * Persian (thanks to aliamini) * Hungarian (thanks to szripio) * Croatian * Hebrew (thanks to Ahrale) Read more and thanks to: * [Flex Slider](http://flexslider.woothemes.com/) * [Responsive Slides](http://responsive-slides.viljamis.com/) * [Coin Slider](http://workshop.rs/projects/coin-slider/) * [Nivo Slider](http://dev7studios.com/nivo-slider/) Find out more at http://www.metaslider.com Follow us on Twitter: [@wpmetaslider](https://twitter.com/wpmetaslider) == Installation == The easy way: 1. Go to the Plugins Menu in WordPress 1. Search for "Meta Slider" 1. Click "Install" The not so easy way: 1. Upload the `ml-slider` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 1. Manage your slideshows using the 'Meta Slider' menu option == Frequently Asked Questions == http://www.metaslider.com/documentation/ = How do I include a slideshow in the header of my site? = Video Guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSsWgd66Jjk Text Guide: You will need to paste the "Template Include" code into your theme (you can find this in the 'Usage' section underneath the slideshow settings) * Go to Appearance > Editor in WordPress * Edit a file called 'header.php' (or similar) * Find the correct place to add it (for example above or below the logo) * Paste in the code and save. = I only want to show the slideshow on my homepage, how can I do that? = Add the 'restrict_to' parameter to the shortcode, eg: `[metaslider id=XXX restrict_to=home]");` Theme specific instructions: http://www.metaslider.com/documentation/theme-integration/ = It's not working - what can I do? = Check out the troubleshooting page here: http://www.metaslider.com/documentation/troubleshooting/ = Meta Slider is cropping my images in the wrong place - what can I do? = See www.metaslider.com/documentation/image-cropping/ == Screenshots == 1. Meta Slider - for live demos see http://www.metaslider.com/examples/ 2. Nivo Slider example 3. Coin Slider example 4. Flex Slider example 5. Carousel Example 6. Administration panel - selecting slides == Changelog == = 3.1.1 [21/10/14] = * Fix: restrict_to shortcode parameter * Change: Add metaslider_flex_slider_list_item_attributes filter = 3.1 [14/10/14] = * New feature: Ajax delete slide (to stop users from losing changes when deleting a slide) * New feature: restrict_to shortcode parameter now accepts page IDs * Update: Change icon * Fix: Minor admin styling fix * Fix: Hide share buttons for pro users * Change: Remove upgrade nags from media library, add Go Pro page (with an option to hide the page) = 3.0.1 [19/08/14] = * Fix: Escape admin setting text fields * Fix: Escape admin tab names (thanks to Dylan Irzi for spotting and reporting this!) * Change: Allow shortcode parameters to be filtered = 3.0 [30/07/14] = **This is not a major update. We're just following the WordPress versioning conventions (3.0 comes after 2.9)** * New feature: Set crop position for slides (requires WP 3.9+) * New feature: Disable cropping setting * Fix: Use get_posts instead of WP_Query to extract slideshows (fix conflicts with plugins using get_post_type in admin_footer hooks) * Change: Add filter for capability required to use meta slider = 2.9.1 [15/07/14] = * New feature: Hungarian Language Pack added * Fix: Escape attributes and JS in slideshow output (credit to jwenerd!) * Fix: Escape attributes and text fields in admin * New feature: Admin slide tabs can be modified with filters = 2.9 [25/06/14] = * New feature: Japanese Language Pack added * New feature: Persian Language Pack added * New feature: Switch between tab and list view * New feature: Added ms-left and ms-right css classes to align slideshow to left or right * Improvement: Flex Slider updated to 2.3.0-bleeding (fix initial image fade) * Fix: reference to window.parent in media library * Fix: Thumbnail outline in firefox = 2.8.1 [28/04/14] = * Fix: All in One Events Calendar conflict fix (Advanced Settings not toggling) * Fix: CSS resets to avoid theme conflicts * Fix: Autoload visibility conflict (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/autoload-visibillity-conflict) * Fix: Layer Editor in IE11 - text fields not accessible in modal windows * Fix: FlexSlider IE11 Fade transition = 2.8 [28/04/14] = * New feature: Russian Language Pack added * Fix: Carousel image scaling in FireFox * Fix: wpautop issue with double ampersand * New feature: Shortcode parameter added to restrict slideshow to displaying on homepage only (see FAQ) * Improvement: Save slideshow after reordering slides * Fix: PHP Warning when no slideshows have been created = 2.8-beta [16/04/14] = * Improvement: Preview now uses admin-post action * Improvement: Classes are now auto loaded to reduce memory footprint (Thanks to Viktor Szépe for the above suggestions!) * Improvement: Slideshow initilisation time reduced * Improvement: HTML5 Compatibility: Alt tags always present on image tag - even if empty. * Improvement: Flex Slider slideshows should now 'reserve' a space for themselves while they fully load * Update: Flex Slider updated to v2.2.2 * New feature: Romanian Language Pack added (Thanks to Octav Madalin Stanoaia) * New feature: Dutch Language Pack added * New feature: WP Super Cache compatibility - cache is cleared when saving slideshow * New feature: HTML5 Compatibility (Experimental). Set `define('METASLIDER_ENABLE_RESOURCE_MANAGER', true);` in wp-config.php to move Meta Slider link tags head of the page. = 2.7.2 [25/03/14] = * Fix: Only apply carousel margin to slides * Fix: Enqueue Easing library when carousel mode is enabled, regardless of effect selection * Fix: Thumbnail margin when theme has #content div = 2.7.1 [19/03/14] = * Fix: Remove easing parameter when effect is set to fade * Fix: Navigation options greyed out in IE * Fix: qTranslate captions not being processed (typo) = 2.7 [18/03/14] = * New feature: Crotatian Lang pack added * New feature: Carousel margin option added * New feature: Process shortcodes in captions * Improvement: Tab rename UX * Improvement: Admin save spinner functionality improved * Improvement: CSS Resets updated * Improvement: Use plugins_loaded action to initialise plugin * Fix: PHP Warnings when one slideshow exists * Fix: Smart Cropping sometimes not returning smart cropped image * Fix: Add z-index to meta slider, attempted conflict fix for themes with drop down menus. * Fix: Only include the easing library when transition effect is set to slide * Fix: White Label Branding plugin compatibility. * Change: "Responsive" option renamed to "R. Slides". The (old) "Responsive" option refers to the "Responsive Slides" jQuery library, but users were getting confused as the naming suggested it was the only responsive option. Flex Slider & Nivo Slider are also responsive. = 2.6.3 [23/01/14] = * Improvement: Various admin screen styling improvements * Fix: Add 'ms-' prefix to Advanced settings toggle boxes and Preview button (avoid theme conflicts) * Fix: RTL fixes * Improvement: Filters added for complete slideshow output * Improvement: Filter added for slide image label * Improvement: 'No Conflict' mode refactored * Improvement: 'slider' parameter added to flexslider before/start/after etc callbacks * Change: Renamed in admin menu from "Meta Slider Lite" to "Meta Slider" = 2.6.2 [02/01/14] = * Fix: Vantage background image tiling = 2.6.1 [31/12/13] = * Fix: Advanced settings arrow toggle * Fix: All in one SEO / Page builder / Meta Slider conflict * Fix: NextGen "Insert Gallery" conflict * New feature: Norwegian language pack added = 2.6 [19/12/13] = * Fix: Typo in metaslider_responsive_slide_image_attributes filter * Fix: Caption not working in Nivo Slider * Fix: Tab styling improved * Fix: New window styling improved in WP3.7 and below More info/Comments: http://www.metaslider.com/coming-soon-meta-slider-2-6-free/ = 2.6-beta [15/12/13] = * New feature: Interface update for WordPress 3.8 admin redesign * New feature: 'Stretch' setting for full width slideshows * New feature: No conflict mode * New feature: 'Add slider' button for posts and pages * New feature: SEO options (add title & alt text to slides) * Change: CSS is now enqueued using wp_enqueue_style (Use a minification plugin or caching plugin to move styles to the if HTML5 validity is required - eg W3 Total Cache) More info/Comments: http://www.metaslider.com/coming-soon-meta-slider-2-6-free/ = 2.5 [25/11/13] = * Fix: JetPack Photon conflict * Improvement: German Language pack added (thanks to gordon34) * Improvement: Chinese language pack updated (thanks to 断青丝) * Improvement: MP6 styling fixes = 2.5-beta2 [14/11/13] = * Fix: Vantage theme backwards compatibility * Fix: Flexslider anchor attributes filter = 2.5-beta1 [12/11/13] = * Fix: Center align slideshow = 2.5-beta [12/11/13] = * New Feature: 'percentwidth' parameter added to shortcode to allow for 100% wide slideshows * Improvement: Generate resized images through multiple Ajax requests on save (blank screen fix) * Improvement: IE9 admin styling tidied up * Improvement: Filters added to add/change attributes in and tags * Improvement: Security - nonce checking added * Change: Remove bottom margin from flex slider when navigation is hidden (add a CSS Class of 'add-margin' if you need the margin) * Fix: Add slides to slideshow in the same order they're selected in the Media Library * Fix: Symlink path resolution * Fix: Do not try to resize/open images that are corrupt (missing metadata) (blank screen fix) = 2.4.2 [17/10/13] = * Fix: qTranslate caption & URL parsing for image slides = 2.4.1 [17/10/13] = * Fix: PHP Warning (reported by & thanks to: fgirardey) = 2.4 [16/10/13] = * Fix: FlexSlider styling in twenty twelve theme * Fix: IE10 - "Caption" placeholder text being saved as actual caption * Improvement: Settings table tidied up * Improvement: New slides are resized during addition to the slideshow * Improvement: Default slideshow size increased to 700x300 * Improvement: Image filename now displayed for each slide (instead of image dimensions) * Improvement: Replace deprecated 'live()' jQuery call with 'on()' * Improvement: Polish Language pack added (thanks to gordon34) * Improvement: Chinese language pack added (thanks to 断青丝) * Improvement: 'metaslider_resized_image_url' filter added (could be used to disable cropping) * Change: qTranslate support for slide URLs (see: http://screencast.com/t/FrsrptyhoT) * Change: PolyLang fix to ensure slides are extracted for all languages (set up a new slideshow for each language) * Change: WPML fix to ensure slides are extracted for all languages (set up a new slideshow for each language) = 2.3 [18/09/13] = * Improvement: Flex Slider upgraded to v2.2 * Improvement: Responsive Slides upgraded to v1.54 * Improvement: 'Create first slideshow' prompt added for new users * Change: 'scoped' attribute removed from inline CSS tag until browsers catch up with supporting it properly. A new filter has been added: "metaslider_style_attributes" if you wish to add the scoped attribute back in. * Change: wp_footer check removed due to confusion * New Feature: 'metaslider_max_tabs' filter added to convert tab list to ordered drop down menu * Fix: Remove 'Insert Media' tab from 'Add Slide' modal (WP 3.6 only) * New Feature: Filters added to allow modification of image slide HTML * Improvement: Settings area tidied up * Improvement: Image URL Field less restrictive * Improvement: HTML Output tidied up = 2.2.2 [21/08/13] = * Improvement: System check added with option to dismiss messages. Checks made for: role scoper plugin, wp_footer, wordpress version & GD/ImageMagick. = 2.2.1 [08/08/13] = * Fix: Responsive slides styling in FireFox (reported by and thanks to: dznr418) * Fix: Flex Slider carousel causing browser to crash in some circumstances = 2.2 [01/08/13] = * Fix: Paragraph tags being added to output using Nivo Slider = 2.1.6 [22/07/2013] = * Fix: Use the original image file if the slideshow size is the same size as the image file * Fix: Conflict with Advanced Post Types Order plugin * Fix: Colorbox conflict when using resizable elements in lightbox * Improvement: Refresh slides after clicking 'save' * Improvement: Ensure taxonomy category exists before tagging slide to slideshow * Fix: Only submit form when submit button is clicked (not all buttons) * Fix: Coin slider caption width in FireFox * Improvement: Added hook to adjust carousel image margin = 2.1.5 [24/05/13] = * Fix: HTML 5 Validation = 2.1.4 [21/05/13] = * Fix: Widget markup invalid (reported by and thanks to: CarlosCanvas) = 2.1.3 [21/05/13] = * Fix: User Access Manager Plugin incompatibility issues (reported by and thanks to: eltipografico) = 2.1.2 [21/05/13] = * Fix: Nivo Slider theme select dropdown (reported by and thanks to: macks) * Fix: HTML5 Validation fix for inline styles * Improvement: Title field added to widget (suggested by and thanks to: pa_esp) * New feature: Spanish language pack (thanks to eltipografico) = 2.1.1 [13/05/13] = * Fix: PHP version compatibility = 2.1 [12/05/13] = * New feature: Widget added * New feature: System check added (checks for required image libraries and WordPress version) * Fix: Multiple CSS fixes added for popular themes * Fix: Flex slider shows first slide when JS is disabled * Improvement: Display warning message when unchecking Print JS and Print CSS options * Improvement: Coinslider navigation centered = 2.0.2 [02/05/13] = * Fix: PHP Error when using slides the same size as the slideshow = 2.0.1 [28/04/13] = * New feature: French language pack (thanks to: fb-graphiklab) * Fix: Use transparent background on default flexslider theme * Fix: Set direction to LTR for flexslider viewport (fix for RTL languages) * Fix: Nivoslider HTML Captions * Fix: Responsive slides navigation positioning = 2.0 [21/04/13] = * Fix: Responsive slides navigation styling * Fix: Update slide order on save * Fix: Smart crop edge cases * Fix: Flexslider navigation overflow = 2.0-betaX [17/04/13] = * Improvement: Error messages exposed in admin is Meta Slider cannot load the slides * Improvement: Load default settings if original settings are corrupt/incomplete * Fix: Smart Crop ratio * Fix: UTF-8 characters in captions (reported by and thanks to: javitopo) * Fix: JetPack Photo not loading images (reported by and thanks to: Jason) * Fix: Double slash on jQuery easing path * Fix: Paragraph tags outputted in JavaScript (reported by and thanks to: CrimsonRaddish) = 2.0-beta = * New feature: Preview slideshows in admin control panel * New feature: 'Easing' options added to flex slider * New feature: 'Carousel mode' option added for flex slider * New feature: 'Auto play' option added * New feature: 'Smart Crop' setting ensures your slideshow size remains consitent regardless of image dimensions * New feature: 'Center align slideshow' option added for all sliders * New feature: Coin Slider upgraded to latest version, new options now exposed in Meta Slider * New feature: Captions now supported by responsive slides * Improvement: Responsive AJAX powered administration screen * Improvement: Code refactored * Improvement: Flex Slider captions now sit over the slide * Fix: Nivo slider invalid markup (reported by and thanks to: nellyshark) * Fix: JS && encoding error (reported by and thanks to: neefje) = 1.3 [28/02/13] = * Renamed to Meta Slider (previously ML Slider) * Improvement: Admin styling cleaned up * Improvement: Code refactored * Improvement: Plugin localised * Improvement: Template include PHP code now displayed on slider edit page * Improvement: jQuery tablednd replaced with jQuery sortable for reordering slides * New feature: Open URL in new window option added * Improvement: max-width css rule added to slider wrapper * Fix: UTF-8 support in captions (reported by and thanks to: petergluk) * Fix: JS && encoding error (reported by and thanks to: neefje) * Fix: Editors now have permission to use MetaSlider (reported by and thanks to: rritsud) = 1.2.1 [20/02/13] = * Fix: Number of slides per slideshow limited to WordPress 'blog pages show at most' setting (reported by and thanks to: Kenny) * Fix: Add warning when BMP file is added to slider (reported by and thanks to: MadBong) * Fix: Allow images smaller than default thumbnail size to be added to slider (reported by and thanks to: MadBong) = 1.2 [19/02/13] = * Improvement: Code refactored * Fix: Unable to assign the same image to more than one slider * Fix: JavaScript error when jQuery is loaded in page footer * Improvement: Warning notice when the slider has unsaved changes * Fix: Captions not being escaped (reported by and thanks to: papabeers) * Improvement: Add multiple files to slider from Media Browser = 1.1 [18/02/13] = * Improvement: Code refactored * Fix: hitting [enter] brings up Media Library * Improvement: Settings for new sliders now based on the last edited slider * Improvement: More screenshots added = 1.0.1 [17/02/13] = * Fix: min version incorrect (should be 3.5) = 1.0 [15/02/13] = * Initial version == Upgrade Notice ==