ImageMagick 6.0.3: ChangeLog
2004-07-11 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Center gravity now works when cropping by
percent (e.g. -crop 75%).
- Small memory leak on exception in the
ImageToBlob() method.
- %@ returns the image bounding box (e.g.
identify -format %@ logo:).
- Sync pixel cache when cloning an image-- just
in case someone clones an image clone and accesses pixels with
AcquireImagePixel() instead of GetImagePixels().
2004-07-09 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <>
- coders/bmp.c (ReadBMPImage): Removed if-test on
reading red_mask, green_mask, and blue_mask. These are only *valid*
under certain conditions, but they are always present in the
2004-07-05 Chris Madison <madisonblu@hotma...>
- Support CMYK Postscript with the bmpsep8
- Add support for channels for the -unsharp
- Add support for reading PCL with the Alladin
pcl6 delegate.
2004-06-26 Chris Madison <madisonblu@hotma...>
- Fixed SVG-path-implementation for elliptical
arcs for angle < 45° and the sweep-flag is 1 (bug
repored by Juergen).
- Fixed PerlMagick memory leak for corrupt TIFF
2004-06-23 Suryakant Patidar <surya_iiit@lyco...>
- Add copious usability features to the animate
2004-06-22 Chris Madison <madisonblu@hotma...>
- Add support for compositing pixels in the CMYK
2004-06-20 Anthony Thyssen <anthony@griff...>
- Shear no longer produces artifacts for a 0
y-shear (e.g. 60x0).
2004-06-19 Chris Madison <madisonblu@hotma...>
- Convert image resolution relative to the value
specified by the -units option.
2004-06-18 Jan Kratochvil <lace@jankr...>
- Perl interface for
2004-06-13 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Gaussian kernel widths must be odd.
- Report corrupt PNG image (bug report by Ryuichi
- Move X11 compatibility defines from xwindow.c
to xwindow.h (suggested by Harald Koenig).
2004-06-12 Chris Madison <madisonblu@hotma...>
- Call new AsychronousDestroyResources() method
from signal handler.
2004-06-10 Anthony Thyssen <anthony@griff...>
- The +tile option is recognized once
2004-06-09 Alexandra Christini <alexandra@image...>
- ImageMagick 6.0.2 released.
2004-06-09 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- GetTypeByFamily() did not always return an
italic font when requested
- ColorFloodfill() sometimes prematurely exited
with a large fuzz value.
2004-06-06 Chris Madison <madisonblu@hotma...>
- The file browser returned incorrect filenames
when saving an image with the display program.
2004-05-31 Chris Madison <madisonblu@hotma...>
- Added checkerboard background to
display/animate X window to assist in visualizing transparent
- The configure script now automatically enables
OS features by selectively setting defines such as XOPEN_SOURCE,
- Added anonymous memory-mapping to the pixel
cache. This makes it possible for memory to be returned to the
system after the image is destroyed.
2004-05-31 Good Will <pu@dr...>
- Fixed a bug in EnhanceImage() that incorrected
shifted edge pixels.
2004-05-26 Alexandra Christini <alexandra@image...>
- Fixed problem with relative filename wildcards
(e.g. identify images/*.jpg).
- MagickWand tracks the wand
construction/destructions and initializes/ destroys the ImageMagick
core API environment as appropriate.
2004-05-23 Richardo Fabbri <ricardofabbri@users...>
- The active_list variable must be reset when a
list is destroyed.
2004-05-18 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Introduce MagickBooleanType and
MagickStatusType types of unsigned int. These types are 100%
compatible with the existing API but removes ambiguity. Previously
we got complaints that users did not realize that a return value of
unsigned int in most cases meant a binary value (True/ False).
MagickStatusType is used for methods that return a bit
- Introduce MagickFalse and MagickTrue while we
deprecate True/False.
2004-05-18 David Strobach <strobach@exec...>
- Don't open a loadable module if its already
2004-05-14 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Most Wand methods return an `unsigned int'
where True indicates success and False indicates an error. We
enhanced these methods to return MagickBooleanType and
MagickTrue/MagickFalse to make it less ambiguous. Note these
changes are 100% compatible so existing Wand calls will continue to
work as written.
2004-05-14 Eli Barzilay <li@barzi...>
- DrawSetStrokeDashArray() now respects the
number_elements argument.
2004-05-12 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Since the WMF coder has Wand dependancies we
only enable this coder when both WMF is available and module
support enabled.
2004-05-08 Daniel Kobras <kobras@debia...>
- When an unknown property is encountered in the
XCF coder, it enters a bogus loop that never
2004-05-06 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Various modules in coders/ require external
libraries (bug report from kobras).
- PerlMagick's QueryFontMetrics() incorrectly
reports `unrecognized attribute'` for the `font' attribute (bug
report from Arfune).
2004-05-05 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- convert fails to make multipage pdf from more
than one postscript input files (bug report from
2004-05-04 Alexandra Christini <ally@image...>
- ImageMagick 6.0.1 released.
2004-04-30 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Some XCF tiles were not being read properly
(bug report from Arfune).
2004-04-26 David Strobach <strobach@exec...>
- Fixed memory leak in EPT coder.
- Fixed memory leak in
- Close Windows registry when no longer
2004-04-25 Oliver Hirschi <ohirschi@pm-me...>
- RelinquishUniqueFileResource() was not freeing
file resource properly.
2004-04-24 David Strobach <strobach@exec...>
- Free the ImageInfo structure allocated by
CloneImageInfo() in the WriteImages() method.
2004-04-22 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- EPT images cannot support
2004-04-20 David Strobach <strobach@exec...>
- Fixed temporary file resource limit leak in
2004-04-19 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- ConvolveImageChannel() incorrectly initialized
non-selected channels to 0.
- Prep shared memory segments to automatically
destroy itself in the event of a process kill (see
2004-04-19 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- ConvolveImageChannel() incorrectly initialized
non-selected channels to 0.
2004-04-15 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added Cisco IP phone image format (write
2004-04-15 Alexandra Christini <ally@image...>
- ImageMagick 6.0.0 released.
2004-04-10 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Updated the dot coder to use the new graphviz
1.12 API.
- The next/previous fields of the configuration
structures (magick_info, type_info, etc.) are deprecated, instead
use the Get???InfoList() method (e.g.
2004-04-07 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- ColorFloodfillImage() with FillToBorder option
stopped working in 6.0.0. Fixed now (bug report by Tim
2004-04-05 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- GetColorInfoList() returns an array of
ColorInfo structures. Also added similiar methods for each of the
ImageMagick lists (e.g. magick, delegate, etc.).
2003-03-27 Nathan Brown <nathan@sputn...>
- Fixed a couple bugs in the AVI coder MJPG
2004-03-25 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added -family, -stretch, -style, and -weight to
the convert program. These options are used in conjunction with
-font to specify font attributes.
2004-03-22 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Frame decorations are opaque if the matte color
is opaque.
2004-03-15 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added CombineImages() to combine several
grayscale images into a single image (e.g. convert -channel RGB
image.R image.G image.B -combine logo.png).
2004-03-08 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added EvaluateImageChannel() method to the API.
Use it to apply an an arithmetic, relational, or logical operator
to an image. These operations can be used to lighten or darken an
image, to increase or decrease contrast in an image, or to produce
the "negative" of an image.
2004-03-07 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added a pixel iterator to the MagickWand API
(suggested by Kyle Shorter).
2004-03-05 Teemu Ikonen <tpikonen@pcu.h...>
- fixed the Matlab file reader read also files
written in little-endian architectures.
2004-02-10 Alexandra Christini <achristini@bigpl...>
- Reset errno in PerlMagick constant()
2004-02-20 <yarrow@image...>
- Added `O' for importing/exporting pixels. `O'
is the image opacity the eqiuvalent of MaxRGB-`A' (suggested by
Dave Welton).
2004-02-04 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added the -posterize option to reduce the image
to a limited number of color levels.
2004-02-15 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added the -splice option to splice the
background color into an image (suggested by Anthony
2004-02-10 Alexandra Christini <achristini@bigpl...>
- Add -radial-blur option to the command line
2004-02-10 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Cache views can grow dynamically now (suggested
by Andrew Reid).
2004-02-09 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added -clone, -remove, -splice, and -swap as
options to the convert program to enhance image list manipulation
(suggested by Anthony Thyssen).
2004-02-05 Anthony Thyssen <anthony@griff...>
- Expand the range of -dissolve to go from 0 to
200. That is values 0 to 100 slowly dissolve the overlay onto the
background. But then values 100 to 200 slowly dissolve the
background away until it is just the source image on top of a clear
canvas the size of the original background.
2004-01-30 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added -separate to the convert program to
separate a channel from an image and return a grayscale image
(suggested by Anthony Thyssen).
2004-02-02 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <>
- coders/bmp.c: fix potential use of
uninitialized data.
- coders/png.c: fix potential use of
uninitialized data.
2004-01-30 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- New map option, P, for padding pixels when
calling the ConstituteImage(), ExportImagePixels(), and
ImportImagePixels() methods.
2004-01-24 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Support raw camera formats for the ImageMagick
under Windows.
2004-01-24 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Privatized the BlobInfo structure and added
news methods in blob.c to get/set members of the BlobInfo
- Fixed a memory leak in the JNG coder concerning
2004-01-23 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Bumped the beta release from 5.5.8 to
2004-01-17 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added a resample element to the MSL
2004-01-13 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added new -annotate option for the convert and
mogrify program (e.g. -annotate +100+100 'Some text', -annotate
30x30+100+100 'Some text').
- New TrimImage() C API method.
2004-01-07 Dan Rogahn <rogahn@...>
- update and add new scripting elements to
2004-01-06 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Fixed color shift problem when adjusting
- Rename MagickCloneImage() to
- Account for pixels-per-centimeter resolution
when resampling.
2004-01-04 Jacob (=Jouk) Jansen <joukj@hrem...>
- VMS patches to 5.5.8: coders/avi.c, remove all
the <CR> at the end of the lines magick/config.h_vms, add
HAVE_FT2BUILD_H directive magick/, and add
2004-01-03 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@image...>
- In coders/sgi.c, opacity channel was lost when
writing grayscale SGI images.
2003-12-31 Dan Rogahn <rogahn@...>
- Default gamma to 1.0 in
2003-12-27 Volker Kuhlmann <list0570@parad...>
- Applied latest Suze 9.0
2003-12-22 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Fixed a number of Magick Wand nits as reported
by Rolf in the MagickWand discussion group
- Added explicit option grouping to the convert
command, for example, convert \( 1.png 2.png -append \) \( 3.png
4.png -append \) +append image.jpg (suggested by Anthony
- Option -draw image respects gravity (suggested
by Anthony Thyssen).
- Text annotate respects gravity (suggested by
Anthony Thyssen).
- Add latest TIFF library to ImageMagick Windows
2003-12-22 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@image...>
- Added JPEG Quality, JPEG Colorspace, and JPEG
Sampling factors to the "identify -verbose" report. Added "-define
jpeg:preserve-settings" flag. If this is set, and the input and
output formats are both JPEG, the input quality is used to compress
the output file. Also, if the colorspace was not changed, the same
sampling factors are used for compression.
2003-12-16 Marek Scholaster"
- ResizeImage() parameter "filter" is never
2003-12-16 Ron Stanonik <stanonik@cogsc...>
- CloneMagickMemory() did not always copy
overlapping memory correct (bug report by Ron
2003-12-16 Nathan Brown <nathan@sputn...>
- Modified the AVI coder to support MJPG
2003-12-15 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Previous signal handlers were not being called
2003-12-12 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added new image comparsion utility (e.g.
compare -metric PSNR image reconstructed
2003-12-11 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- The display program no longer exits after the
last image. You must press Q or ESC or choose the Quit menu option
to exit (suggested by Anthony Thyssen).
- Off-by-one error for RLA image dimensions
(patch provided by Jean-Francois Panisset).
2003-12-06 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- The gravity is now repected by the -draw option
(bug report by Anthony Thyssen).
2003-12-03 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Reset image->extract_info.{x,y} when parsing
the -size option.
- New MAGICK_CONFIGURE_PATH environment variable
allows the user to specify the search path for configuration (.mgk)
2003-12-03 Jouk <Joukj@hrem.stm.tudelft.{nl}>
- Patch to get ImageMagick working under
2003-11-30 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Recognize `unlimited' for limit option: convert
-limit memory unlimited.
2003-11-20 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Converted composite operators to inline methods
in magick/composite.c.
- Accept floating point image sizes (e.g.
-geometry 1662.179324x2079.019558).
- Added QueryMagickColor() to define CMYK colors.
First use is with the XC image format (e.g. -size 100x100
2003-11-18 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Get EXIF data with $im->Get('%[EXIF:*]') in
- Added the -orient option to set the image
- Postscript/PDF once again respects the image
gravity attribute.
2003-11-16 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Noise is scaled to the value of QuantumDepth.
Previously noise was less intense for Q16 and Q32.
2003-11-06 Armani <a.krueger@xebec.{de}>
- Memory leak in DrawComposite(), base64 is never
2003-11-03 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added EPT2 and EPT3 image types which embeds
Postscript level II and Postscript level III
- Text compression is limited to 65535 bytes for
the PNG coder (libpng restriction).
- To write an image clip mask, use the CLIP:
- Added GetImageExtrema() and
GetImageChannelExtrema() to return the extrema for an image or
image channel.
- Added GetImageMean() and GetImageChannelMeand()
to return the mean and standard deviation for an image or image
2003-11-01 Lars Ruben Skyum <>
- coders/jpeg.c: changed to not write gray CMYK
images as grayscales. That would not be a valid
- magick/color.c (IsGrayImage,
IsMonochromeImage): Changed to never return true for CMYK images.
Separated images get wrong colors when optimized to grayscales
based on what these two functions return. Gray and CMYK are two
different color spaces.
- magick/nt_feature.c (NTIsMagickConflict):
changed to accept colon as part of the magick string, consistent
with the way the function is used.
- magick/utility.c, magick/utility.h
(ExpandFilenames, GetPathComponent): Fixed filename glob expansion.
Added handling of filename prefix-magick and sub-image
specification to GetPathComponent. Sub-image specification takes
precedence over any filename patterns.
2003-11-01 Kenneth J. Davis <jeremyd@computer.{org}>
- Fixed assertion error in
2003-10-29 Tony Butt <magick-bugs>
- Fixed off-by-one array error in
2003-10-24 Manuel Jouglet <manu.jouglet@wanadoo.{fr}>
- Fixed possible infiinite loop in Windows thread
2003-10-21 Jouk <Joukj@hrem.stm.tudelft.{nl}>
- Patch to get ImageMagick working under
2003-10-20 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added new GetPixels() method to
2003-10-16 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Began support for CIELab PSD and TIFF
- New -method-prefix configure option to add a
unique prefix for all Magick API methods.
2003-10-12 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Thanks to Catalin Mihaila for contributing a
ZX-Spectrum SCREEN$ reader.
2003-10-09 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@image...>
- When JPEG sampling factors aren't fully
supplied, any omitted ones should be 1x1.
2003-10-08 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added Get*List() to consistently return
ImageMagick lists (e.g. GetMagickList() returns a list of support
image formats).
- Added -define option to support options
associated with an image format (e.g. -define
2003-10-08 Kelly Bergougnoux
- Contributed new Cineon image format
2003-10-08 Lars Ruben Skyum <>
- magick/attribute.c (TraceSVGClippingPath):
optimized for speed and precision in clipping mask generation by
using lines to connect Bezier curve control points where
2003-09-30 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@image...>
- The PNG decoder would exit too early when
reading file.png[0].
2003-10-02 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Wrote an option parser to uniformly deal with
enumerated types.
2003-09-30 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@image...>
- In the Q8 configuration, the bmp decoder was
scaling 5-5-5-bit and 5-6-5-bit colors slightly incorrectly when
decoding 16-bit BMPs, as well as when decoding 8-8-8-8-bit colors
in 32-bit BMPs.
2003-09-26 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added MagickWand API methods to get, append,
and remove images from a wand.
2003-09-24 Wolfgang Textor
- Applied changes to get the current ImageMagick
5.5.8 beta sources compile on a Mac with Codewarrior
2003-09-21 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Image profiles are now conveniently handled
with a hashmap structure. The color_profile and iptc_profile
members of the Image structure are still maintained for backwards
compatibility, however, we encourage you to use the new
PutImageProfile(), GetImageProfile(), and DeleteImageProfile()
2003-09-20 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Error messages are enhanced to give greater
detail. Use -debug Exception to trace the source location of an
2003-09-18 Lars Ruben Skyum <>
- coders/ps3.c: Major update of the PS3 coder.
The coder now creates much smaller files for bilevel, gray, and
colormapped images. Compression and image type is now separated so
they may be combined independently. Any alpha channel is separated
into a separate mask so it's possible to mask bilevel, gray,
colormapped, rgb, and CKYK images. You may also mask a JPEG
compressed PS file for instance. Clipping masks created from a
photoshop clipping path with -clip option is converted to a
corresponding postscript clipping path. New functions need comment
- magick/attribute.c: Added TracePSClippingPath
for creating a postscript clipping path from a Photoshop clipping
- magick/image.c: ClipPathImage now stores the
name of the clipping path in the mask image filename so that it is
remembered and may be used for creating a postscript clipping path
for postscript output.
2003-09-16 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- There is a new ImageMagick license (see It is a W3C-style
rather than BSD-style license to address the
frequently-asked-questions about what the license permits you to
do. It makes it more clear that you can do pretty much whatever you
want with ImageMagick as long as you don't claim your wrote
2003-09-12 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Created a number of new header files to
localize exported methods.
- Updated source files to minimize the number of
lint warnings.
2003-09-08 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Deprecated Extended*Type. Replace with
- Updating multiple source files to make lint
2003-09-08 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@image...>
- Revised TraceArc to use TraceEllipse; removed
now unused large_arc and sweep flags.
2003-09-03 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Add module alias for OTF =>
2003-09-01 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Reworked configuration file logic to load files
from the current directory, at MAGICK_HOME, or at ~/.magick before
the system versions of the configuration file. This allows a user
to define private fonts in ~/.magick/type.mgk, for
2003-09-01 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Color was inverted when writing OTB monochrome
- Add image histogram methods to C, C++,
Perlmagick, and MagickWand API.
2003-08-31 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Palm coder bug fix (patch provided by Chris
2003-08-26 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added a Wand error classfication for the Wand
- Geometries with a % and a missing value now
works correctly (e.g. x25%).
2003-08-12 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Truetype fonts are now found under Win98 (patch
provided by Patrick Broyer).
2003-08-11 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added infa-structure to help support image
2003-08-08 Lars Ruben Skyum <lars.skyum@st...>
- isspace() required an unsigned
2003-08-04 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added -tint option (contributed by Winfried
- The temporary EPT file requires a binary header
(patch provided by James Keifenheim).
- Add a Visual C++ workspace for
ImageMagickObject (workspace contributed by James
2003-08-04 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added 'Save' option to animate program
2003-07-30 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added -fx option to the convert
2003-07-28 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Port of Troy Edwards' script to support
ImageMagick. Thanks Troy.
2003-07-26 Lars Ruben Skyum <lars.skyum@st...>
- Additional imporvements to ClipPathImage()
& TraceClippingPath().
2003-07-18 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Fixed "Draw transparent color on background
image without alpha" bug (bug report by Anthony
- -fuzz now accept negative
2003-07-17 Lars Ruben Skyum <lars.skyum@st...>
- support for grayscale color profiles. You may
now convert to/from CMYK or RGB from/to grayscale with a grayscale
profile. This is what Photoshop does when it creates grayscales
from color images or makes true color images from
- any alpha channel is now maintained across
colorspace conversions. It was previously lost in the
- colormapped images may now be profiled with a
color profile. They were previously passed through
- improved error handling. Any invalid colorspace
/ color profile combination is now catched in ImageMagick before
LCMS gets a chance to catch the same error. LCMS will exit() the
program the hard way if it catches such an error. ImageMagick
clean-up routines will now be performed on exit.
- support for the two remaining colorspaces,
YCbCr and LUV, for which there is support in both ImageMagick and
LCMS (or ICC 3.4, really). Profiles using other ICC 3.4 colorspaces
not supported by ImageMagick will now properly throw an exception
before LCMS exit's the application.
2003-07-16 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added -clippath to convert (patch provided by
Lars Ruben Skyum).
- Fix transparent font problem (bug report by
Anthony Thyssen).
2003-07-13 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Read old-style Adobe clipping paths (patch by
Lars Ruben Skyum).
- Properly read CMYK TIFF images (bug report by
Lars Ruben Skyum ).
2003-07-10 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Recall the MagickWand API is in flux. The
drawing wand methods that previously accepted or returned a
PixelPacket now accepts/returns a PixelWand. The MagickWand API
should be stable by the end of this year.
2003-07-05 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Adopted William Radcliffe's semaphore spin lock
for Win32 builds.
2003-07-04 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Fixed a small bug in the fuzzy color matching
- Image compare requires a sqrt() (bug report by
Anthony Thyssen).
2003-06-17 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Separated the MagickWand API into its own
library, MagickWand.a.
2003-06-12 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- New identifier for TXT images so they can be
- Do not change X window root
2003-06-10 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Promote PseudoClass images to DirectClass in
method ImportImagePixels().
- New -list configure option.
2003-06-06 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added -strip option to strip an image of all
profiles and comments.
- Added -support option to sharpen/blur while
resizing an image.
- Adopted Bob FriesenHahn's log event
- MagickCloneWand() did not properly clone the
wand->image member.
- Fixed small memory leak in
2003-06-04 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Color profile patches provided by (dge at
- The TXT coder now respects image
- Only define X coder/decoder if HasX11 is
- Applied William Radcliffe's META coder
2003-06-02 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Applied William Radcliffe's LCMS color profile
2003-05-30 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@image...>
- The MNG encoder failed to set the JNG bit in
the simplicity profile.
- The MNG encoder failed to write FRAM chunks
when all images were JNG.
- The JNG encoder wrote the wrong
alpha_sample_depth for opaque images.
2003-05-28 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Large images (greater than 2048*2048) are
cached to disk to reduce virtual memory thrashing. Set
MAGICK_AREA_LIMIT environment variable to change
2003-05-23 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@image...>
- PNG encoder would dump core when writing
grayscale image in png24 or png32 format.
2003-05-20 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added support for the Ghostscript pngalpha
device to support Postscript transparency.
2003-05-18 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Deprecated LiberateMemory() and
ReacquireMemory() due to ANSI strict-alias rules.
- Updated DllMain for Windows (patch by Achim
- Resizing the image window with display program
did not resize the image properly under the Metacity window
2003-05-17 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added -thumbnail as an option to the
- No TIFF preview was written on EPT write (patch
provided by Lars Ruben Skyum).
- NegateImage() now negates the K channel of a
CMYK image (patch provided by Lars Ruben Skyum).
2003-05-13 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Parameter 'elevation' misspelled for PerlMagick
Shape() method.
- A number of minor leak/unitialized memory
problems fixed.
- Allocate free nodes from the heap in
- Magick-config --version returned
- Adopted Bob Friesenhahn's patterns-- use as
filename pattern:checkboard, pattern:bricks, etc.
2003-05-12 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- ImageMagick 5.5.7 released.
2003-05-07 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- We cannot reliably auto rotate PDF files so
this feature was removed.
2003-05-02 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- The conjure program did not correctly handle
the gravity attribute.
2003-04-26 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- The persistent cache reference count was not
properly incremented.
2003-04-22 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added $image->Describe() method to
PerlMagick to interface to the DescribeImage() C API
- Added support for the EXIF Tag Parsing Library.
Currently we simply display the tags when calling DescribeImage().
In the near future there will be support for modifying or adding
- Added Bob Friesenhahn's updated Windows
installation instructions.
- Interfaced the drawing routines with the new
MagickWand API. MagickWand will be the primary public C interface
to ImageMagick in the near future.
2003-04-22 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@image...>
- magick/effect.c: RandomChannelThresholdImage
was not handling PseudoColor, non-gray images
2003-04-21 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@image...>
- png.c would not compile with libpng versions
older than libpng-0.95, due to bugs introduced in ImageMagick
version 5.5.2.
2003-04-16 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@image...>
- Implemented -random-threshold and
-ordered-dither options.
2003-04-15 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- The locale messaging system now uses a hash for
fast lookup.
- Updated libtool to the new released version,
2003-04-11 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@image...>
- Fixed bug with decoding grayscale PNG images
and JNG alpha channel at Q:32.
2003-04-10 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Now recognize 32-bit hex color specifications,
patches provided by Bob Friesenhahn.
2003-04-08 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Started API wrappers based on Bob Friesenhahn's
method suggestions.
- Text annotations that started with '\n' were
not rendered correctly.
2003-04-06 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Removed artifacts from images rotated with a
small number of degrees.
2003-04-04 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@image...>
- Minor bug fix in the ParseGeometry()
2003-04-01 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Modified the non-public inline AlphaComposite()
to use a PixelPacket pointer; previously it returned a PixelPacket
- You can now specify an image geometry as an
image file (e.g. -geometry image.jpg).
2003-04-01 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@image...>
- Use new temporary file manager for JNG
2003-04-01 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added support for 12-bit TIFF
2003-03-31 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added improved locale message subsystem
(contributed by Kyle Shorter).
2003-03-27 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Removed a bias from SampleImage() and
DrawAffineImage() (bug report by Glenn
2003-03-27 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- PerlMagick now recognizes percent values for
fuzz or opacity.
- Not enough memory allocated for reading PCX
(bug report by Trevor Willis).
2003-03-26 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- There were artifacts when using the Bessel
function for resizing (bug report by Bob
- Added -resample to convert to change the
resolution of an image.
2003-03-25 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Added a temporary file manager that prevents
race conditions and removes any remaining files on
2003-03-22 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- Prepped ImageMagick to work with Visual C++ 7.0
under Windows. The Windows configure patches came from William
2003-03-21 Cristy <yarrow@image...>
- The refresh of the display image window no
longer lags when the magnify window overlay it.