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ImageMagick has a number of functions that allow you to read, manipulate, write, or display an image. These functions are accessible through the various tools or the object-oriented Perl interface, PerlMagick. However, you can also access the functions directly from your program through the Magick Application Programmer Interface. To invoke the functions, write your program in your favorite language while making calls to the Magick image functions and link with libMagick.a, libMagick.so, or Magick.dll depending on your system. The Magick Wand API is a new high level interface to the ImageMagick. The Wand API is recommended over the core API below. The low level core ImageMagick API, follows.
Here is a sample program to get you started. To find out about all the functions that are available, read the source code. Each function is delineated with a full rows of percent signs with comments describing the parameters required for the function and what it does. For ease in finding a function, they are sorted in alphabetical order. Most of the image functions are found in image.c and effects.c. Here is a full example of a program, demo.c, that reads a GIF image, creates a thumbnail, and writes it to disk in the MIFF image format. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <magick/api.h> int main(int argc,char **argv) { ExceptionInfo exception; Image *image, *images, *resize_image, *thumbnails; ImageInfo *image_info; /* Initialize the image info structure and read an image. */ InitializeMagick(*argv); GetExceptionInfo(&exception); image_info=CloneImageInfo((ImageInfo *) NULL); (void) strcpy(image_info->filename,"image.gif"); images=ReadImage(image_info,&exception); if (exception.severity != UndefinedException) CatchException(&exception); if (images == (Image *) NULL) exit(1); /* Turn the images into a thumbnail sequence. */ thumbnails=NewImageList(); while ((image=RemoveFirstImageFromList(&images)) != (Image *) NULL) { resize_image=ResizeImage(image,106,80,LanczosFilter,1.0,&exception); if (resize_image == (Image *) NULL) MagickError(exception.severity,exception.reason,exception.description); (void) AppendImageToList(&thumbnails,resize_image); DestroyImage(image); } /* Write the image as MIFF and destroy it. */ (void) strcpy(thumbnails->filename,"image.miff"); WriteImage(image_info,thumbnails); DestroyImageList(thumbnails); DestroyImageInfo(image_info); DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception); DestroyMagick(); return(0); } Now we need to compile. On Unix, the command would look something like this: setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib gcc `Magick-config --cflags --cppflags` demo.c `Magick-config --ldflags --libs`Another example is smile.c. Compile and excute it to display a smiley face on your X server. Now lets port the above program to use the Magick Wand API: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <wand/magick_wand.h> int main(int argc,char **argv) { #define ThrowWandException(wand) \ { \ char \ *description; \ \ ExceptionType \ severity; \ \ description=MagickGetException(wand,&severity); \ (void) fprintf(stderr,"%s %s %ld %s\n",GetMagickModule(),description); \ MagickRelinquishMemory(description); \ exit(-1); \ } MagickBooleanType status; MagickWand *magick_wand; /* Read an image. */ magick_wand=NewMagickWand(); status=MagickReadImage(magick_wand,"image.gif"); if (status == MagickFalse) ThrowWandException(magick_wand); /* Turn the images into a thumbnail sequence. */ MagickResetIterator(magick_wand); while (MagickNextImage(magick_wand) != MagickFalse) MagickResizeImage(magick_wand,106,80,LanczosFilter,1.0); /* Write the image as MIFF and destroy it. */ status=MagickWriteImages(magick_wand,"image.miff",True); if (status == MagickFalse) ThrowWandException(magick_wand); return(0); } To compile, type: cc `Wand-config --cflags --cppflags` demo.c `Wand-config --ldflags --libs` For C++, use: c++ `Magick++-config --cxxflags --cppflags` demo.cpp `Magick++-config --ldflags --libs` ![]() |